Carnival Triumph Thursday Update
Here’s the latest today: There will be a third tug used. No word if this is for speed or maneuverability. One of the towing lines snapped, so the tug pulling will have to be reconnected. The Coast...
View ArticleGood Morning to the Triumph
Shes currently underway to BAE Systems Southeast Shipyards. And a good morning to the Carnival Triumph now berthed in Mobile Alabama. Interesting to note that she still has 3 tugs holding her against...
View ArticleBus Carrying Triumph Passengers Breaks down
via news4jax: In one final episode of indignity, the bus carrying some passengers to New Orleans broke down early Friday, leaving them stranded once again — this time on the side of the highway. "You...
View ArticleCarnival Triumph Update and Sunshine is Delayed
CruiseCritic is reporting that the Carnival Triumph will be out through early June. She will remain in Mobile until the end of April/early May. Then she will sail to Freeport Bahamas to finish out all...
View ArticleFascinating Piece from a Cruise Industry Opponent over the Carnival Triumph
Jim Walker, from Cruise Law News, is never shy about calling out cruise lines. As a professional maritime plaintiffs lawyer, its his job after all. If you frequent his blog, you’ll see what I mean....
View ArticleCarnival Triumph Snaps Mooring Lines in Mobile
photo via wkrg Carnival Twitter Confirms the Details: Due to strong winds in Mobile, Carnival Triumph, which was docked @ Mobile shipyard, broke away from its moorings. US Coast Guard is on site...
View ArticleCarnival Triumph Docked with Two Tugs Standing by Overnight
She’s currently berthed at the cruise terminal.
View ArticleCarnival Triumph Drydock Update
Carnival will be using the Carnival Triumph’s unscheduled drydocking to complete the following when she shifts over to Freeport: Guy’s Burger Joint, a complimentary poolside venue serving fresh-made...
View ArticleCarnival Triumph Leaves Freeport
After months of repair after the famed fire, the Carnival Triumph is making her way back to Galveston. As of writing, she’s just passing the breakwarter and heading to sea. Shes schedules to arrive in...
View Article‘Frivolous’ Lawsuit Alleged Carnival Sailed with Triumph in Faulty Condition
A new lawsuit alleges that Carnival sailed the Triumph on her fateful trip all while knowing that the ship was our of class (classification) and not in compliance. The lawsuit is filed in a Houston, TX...
View ArticleCarnival to Sail Triumph on Extended Caribbean Voyages in 2015/2016
From Carnival: For the very first time, Carnival Cruise Lines is offering 10- and 11-day cruises between Galveston and San Juan featuring visits to six different Caribbean destinations on one...
View ArticleCarnival Triumph to Become Carnival Sunrise
Render of Carnival Sunrise Carnival just announced that the Triumph will enter a 60-day drydock and will emerge as the Carnival Sunrise. The $200 million drydock will take place in Cadiz, Spain next...
View ArticleFirst Look: Carnival Sunrise
The new Carnival Sunrise (ex-Carnival Triumph) has just set sail on a series of inagural voyages from the East coast. VIEW CARNIVAL SUNRISE DECK PLANS Background As part of a fleetwide enhancement,...
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